Flutter Shaders

Glitch Transition

This shader generates a glitch effect with distortions and noise, creating a unique transition.

Use the code below to add this shader to a Flutter app. If you’re not sure what to do with the provided code, check out our usage guide, or learn how shaders works.

// Original shader: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lt3yz7 by @tommclaughlan
// Modified to display a glitch effect at a specific time and to compile for Flutter

#version 460 core
precision mediump float;

#include <flutter/runtime_effect.glsl>

uniform vec2 iResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;

out vec4 fragColor;

float rand(float seed){
    return fract(sin(dot(vec2(seed) ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);

vec2 displace(vec2 co, float seed, float seed2) {
    vec2 shift = vec2(0);
    if (rand(seed) > 0.5) {
        shift += 0.05 * vec2(2. * (0.5 - rand(seed2)));
    if (rand(seed2) > 0.6) {
        if (co.y > 0.5) {
            shift.x *= rand(seed2 * seed);
            shift.y *= rand(seed2 * seed);
    return shift;

vec4 interlace(vec2 co, vec4 col) {
    if (mod(int(co.y), 3) == 0) {
        return col * ((sin(iTime * 4.0) * 0.1) + 0.75) + (rand(iTime) * 0.05);
    return col;

void main()
    vec2 fragCoord = FlutterFragCoord().xy;
    vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;

    vec2 rDisplace = vec2(0);
    vec2 gDisplace = vec2(0);
    vec2 bDisplace = vec2(0);

    if (iTime == 0.0)
        fragColor = texture(iChannel0,uv);

    if (iTime >= 0.55) {
        rDisplace = displace(uv, iTime * 2., 2. + iTime);
        gDisplace = displace(uv, iTime * 3., 3. + iTime);
        bDisplace = displace(uv, iTime * 2., 1. + iTime);

    rDisplace.x += 0.005 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 37. * uv.y));
    gDisplace.x += 0.007 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 41. * uv.y));
    bDisplace.x += 0.0011 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 53. * uv.y));

    rDisplace.y += 0.001 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 37. * uv.x));
    gDisplace.y += 0.001 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 41. * uv.x));
    bDisplace.y += 0.001 * (0.5 - rand(iTime * 53. * uv.x));

    // Output to screen
    float rcolor = texture(iChannel0, uv.xy + rDisplace).r;
    float gcolor = texture(iChannel0, uv.xy + gDisplace).g;
    float bcolor = texture(iChannel0, uv.xy + bDisplace).b;

    fragColor = interlace(fragCoord, vec4(rcolor, gcolor, bcolor, 1));